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Photometric Observation of Transit of An Extrasolar Planet HD209458b
Osamu Ohshima
Predicted central transit time is Hel.J.D.=2453200.2531 by
Parent star: HD209458( 22h03m10.7s +-18d53'04" 2000.0, V=7.65 B-V=0.53 G0V)
Observation: from 15h16m to 19h12m on July 13, 2004
Telescope used: 10cm f/4.0
CCD camera: SBIG ST-9XE (-10 deg C )
Exposure time: 29 sec.
Filter used: Red filter of SBIG RGB set
Image Processing software: AIP4WIN
Obsevatinal site: Tamashima, Kurashiki, Okayama Japan
longitude:E133d 40'24.4"; latitude:N34d32'16.4"; hight: 7m
Result data is here
Fig.1 weighted mean of following two cases

Fig.2 Delta Magnitude:
Comparison star is HD208897( RA:21h58m59.7s Dec:19d01'13.1 (2000.0), V=6.50, B-V=1.01,K0)
Check star is HD209346(22h02m21.3s =18d49'59.2" 2000.0, V=8.33, B-V=0.25, A2).
Fig.3 Comparison and check stars are changed each other as a reference.

Field aroud HD209458

Telescope and CCD Camera

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