Bright Star Catalogue 5 をデータベース化する
Bright Star Catalogue 5をMySQLでデータベース化するために 準備としてテキストファイル"bdc5db.txt"を作るRubyプログラム(ファイル名を"bsc2db.rb"とする)。 使い方:
bsc2db.rb <bsc5 >bsc5db.txt
#!/usr/local/bin/ruby while line=gets lng=line.length # print "length=",lng if lng<198 then( # print line line[lng-1..197]=" "*(198-lng)+"\n" # print(line, "\n") ) else line[197]="\n" end hr=line[0..3] name=line[4..13] dm=line[14..24] hd=line[25..30] sao=line[31..36] fk5=line[37..40] irfrag=line[41] r_irfrag=line[42] mult=line[43] ads=line[44..48] adsComp=line[49..50] var=line[51..59] rah19=line[60..61] ram19=line[62..63] ras19=line[64..67] deSgn19=line[68] ded19=line[69..70] dem19=line[71..72] des19=line[73..74] rah=line[75..76] ram=line[77..78] ras=line[79..82] deSgn=line[83] ded=line[84..85] dem=line[86..87] des=line[88..89] # data=line[name_n+1..line_n] # ra=Math::PI*(data[0].to_f+data[1].to_f/60.0+data[2].to_f/3600.0)/12.0 # dec_d=data[3] # dec_sgn=dec_d[0..0] # dec_d=dec_d[1..2] # dec=Math::PI*(dec_d.to_f+data[4].to_f/60.0+data[5].to_f/3600.0)/180.0 ra=Math::PI*(rah.to_f+ram.to_f/60.0+ras.to_f/3600.0)/12.0 dec=Math::PI*(ded.to_f+dem.to_f/60.0+des.to_f/3600.0)/180.0 dec=-1.0*dec if deSgn=="-" glon=line[90..95] glat=line[96..101] v=line[102..106] n_v=line[107] u_v=line[108] bv=line[109..113] u_bv=line[114] ub=line[115..119] u_ub=line[120] ri=line[121..125] n_ri=line[126] sp=line[127..146] n_sp=line[147] pmRA=line[148..153] pmDE=line[154..159] n_Par=line[160] para=line[161..165] radv=line[166..169] n_rv=line[170..173] l_rotv=line[174..175] rotv=line[176..178] u_rotv=line[179] dmag=line[180..183] sep=line[184..189] mult_id=line[190..193] mult_cnt=line[194..195] noteFlag=line[196] printf("%4d\t%10s\t%11s\t%6d\t%6d\t%4d\t",hr.to_i,name,dm,hd.to_i,sao.to_i,fk5.to_i) printf("%c\t%c\t%c\t%5s\t%2s\t%9s\t",irfrag,r_irfrag,mult,ads,adsComp,var) # printf("%2d\t%2d\t%4.1f\t%c\t%2d\t%2d\t%2d\t",rah19.to_i,ram19.to_i,ras19.to_f,deSgn19,ded19.to_i,dem19.to_i,des19.to_i) # printf("%2d\t%2d\t%4.1f\t%c\t%2d\t%2d\t%2d\t",rah.to_i,ram.to_i,ras.to_f,deSgn,ded.to_i,dem.to_i,des.to_i) printf("%10.8f\t%10.8f\t",ra,dec) printf("%6.2f\t%6.2f\t",glon.to_f,glat.to_f) printf("%5.2f\t%c\t%c\t%5.2f\t%c\t%5.2f\t%c\t",v.to_f,n_v,u_v,bv.to_f,u_bv,ub.to_f,u_ub) printf("%5.2f\t%c\t%20s\t%c\t",ri.to_f,n_ri,sp,n_sp) printf("%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%c\t%5.3f\t",pmRA.to_f,pmDE.to_f,n_Par,para.to_f) printf("%4d\t%4s\t%2s\t%3d\t%c\t",radv.to_i,n_rv,l_rotv,rotv.to_i,u_rotv) # printf("%4.1f\t%6.1f\t%4s\t%2d\t",dmag.to_f,sep.to_f,mult_id,mult_cnt.to_i) # printf("%c\n", noteFlag) printf("%4.1f\t%6.1f\t%4s\t%2d\t%c\n",dmag.to_f,sep.to_f,mult_id,mult_cnt.to_i,noteFlag) end
Byte-per-byte Description of file: catalog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 4 I4 --- HR [1/9110]+ Harvard Revised Number = Bright Star Number 5- 14 A10 --- Name Name, generally Bayer and/or Flamsteed name 15- 25 A11 --- DM Durchmusterung Identification (zone in bytes 17-19) 26- 31 I6 --- HD Henry Draper Catalog Number 32- 37 I6 --- SAO SAO Catalog Number 38- 41 I4 --- FK5 FK5 star Number 42 A1 --- IRflag [I] I if infrared source 43 A1 --- r_IRflag [ ':] Coded reference for infrared source: Blank if from NASA merged Infrared Catalogue, Schmitz et al., 1978; ' if from Engles et al. 1982 : if uncertain identification 44 A1 --- Multiple [AWDIRS] Double or multiple-star code: A = Astrometric binary D = Duplicity discovered by occulation; I = Innes, Southern Double Star Catalogue (1927) R = Rossiter, Michigan Publ. 9, 1955 S = Duplicity discovered by speckle interferometry. W = Worley (1978) update of the IDS; 45- 49 A5 --- ADS Aitken's Double Star Catalog (ADS) designation 50- 51 A2 --- ADS_Comp ADS number components 52- 60 A9 --- Var_ID Variable star identification 61- 62 I2 h RAh_1900 Hours RA, equinox B1900, epoch 1900.0 63- 64 I2 min RAm_1900 Minutes RA, equinox B1900, epoch 1900.0 65- 68 F4.1 s RAs_1900 Seconds RA, equinox B1900, epoch 1900.0 69 A1 --- DE-_1900 Sign Dec, equinox B1900, epoch 1900.0 70- 71 I2 deg DEd_1900 Degrees Dec, equinox B1900, epoch 1900.0 72- 73 I2 arcmin DEm_1900 Minutes Dec, equinox B1900, epoch 1900.0 74- 75 I2 arcsec DEs_1900 Seconds Dec, equinox B1900, epoch 1900.0 76- 77 I2 h RAh Hours RA, equinox J2000, epoch 2000.0 78- 79 I2 min RAm Minutes RA, equinox J2000, epoch 2000.0 80- 83 F4.1 s RAs Seconds RA, equinox J2000, epoch 2000.0 84 A1 --- DE- Sign Dec, equinox J2000, epoch 2000.0 85- 86 I2 deg DEd Degrees Dec, equinox J2000, epoch 2000.0 87- 88 I2 arcmin DEm Minutes Dec, equinox J2000, epoch 2000.0 89- 90 I2 arcsec DEs Seconds Dec, equinox J2000, epoch 2000.0 91- 96 F6.2 deg GLON Galactic longitude 97-102 F6.2 deg GLAT Galactic latitude 103-107 F5.2 mag V Visual magnitude 108 A1 --- n_V [ HR] Visual magnitude code blank = V on UBV Johnson system; R = HR magnitudes reduced to the UBV system; H = original HR magnitude. 109 A1 --- u_V [ :?] Uncertainty flag on V 110-114 F5.2 mag B-V B-V color in the UBV system 115 A1 --- u_B-V [ :?] Uncertainty flag on B-V 116-120 F5.2 mag U-B U-B color in the UBV system 121 A1 --- u_U-B [ :?] Uncertainty flag on U-B 122-126 F5.2 mag R-I R-I in system specified by n_R-I 127 A1 --- n_R-I [CE:?D] Code for R-I system (Cousin, Eggen) 128-147 A20 --- SpType Spectral type 148 A1 --- n_SpType [evt] Spectral type code 149-154 F6.3 arcsec/yr pmRA Annual proper motion in RA J2000, FK5 system 155-160 F6.3 arcsec/yr pmDE Annual proper motion in Dec J2000, FK5 system 161 A1 --- n_Parallax [D] D indicates a dynamical parallax, otherwise a trigonometric parallax 162-166 F5.3 arcsec Parallax Trigonometric parallax (unless n_Parallax) 167-170 I4 km/s RadVel Heliocentric Radial Velocity 171-174 A4 --- n_RadVel [V?SB123O ] Radial velocity comments: V = variable radial velocity; V? = suspected variable radial velocity; SB, SB1, SB2, SB3 = spectroscopic binaries, single, double or triple lined spectra; O = orbital data available. 175-176 A2 --- l_RotVel [<=> ] Rotational velocity limit chararacters 177-179 I3 km/s RotVel Rotational velocity, v sin i 180 A1 --- u_RotVel [ :v] uncertainty and variability flag on RotVel 181-184 F4.1 mag Dmag Magnitude difference of double, or brightest multiple 185-190 F6.1 arcsec Sep Separation of components in Dmag if occultation binary. 191-194 A4 --- Mult_ID Identifications of components in Dmag 195-196 I2 --- Mult_Cnt Number of components assigned to a multiple 197 A1 --- Note_Flag [*] a star indicates that there is a note (file notes) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------